Mixhers Is Creating Solutions For Women Everywhere

Gal Media Group
3 min readJul 7, 2022

Founder and CEO, Jess Toolson, is the mastermind behind Mixhers’ life-changing supplements. With a passion for proper period care and education, Jess is committed to helping women take care of themselves while making their cycles a little easier to handle.

Jess Toolson once experienced her own difficulties with periods and debilitating PMS symptoms, and after an emotional rollercoaster that took a toll on her personal life and mental health, Jess became tired of doctors telling her to reach for the ibuprofen. As her period symptoms worsened, she became desperate to find a more natural remedy. That’s when Jess came into contact with a holistic health practitioner, Cody Sanders, who mixed up the remedy that became the answer to Jess’s health struggles. Jess then understood that other people with difficult periods had to try this remedy, so together, Jess and Cody created Mixhers.

Mixhers is a business built on empowerment and made by women, for women. Jess’s passion is to normalize period talk, education, and healing. After living in six different counties, Jess concluded that periods tie all women together, regardless of location, race, or beliefs. This drives her to create the best solutions for all.

After two years of in-depth research and formulation, the ingenious supplement Hertime, and Mixhers first product, was born. Hertime has specific nutrients that work to battle against the hormonal consequences of periods and all of them are found naturally. These essential ingredients include white peony root, Siberian ginseng, Chinese licorice, Dong Quai, and giant kelp leaf. Although these ingredients are not well-known, they can help reduce many symptoms including cramping, fatigue, acne, headaches, blood flow, and bloating, to name a few. This amazing supplement also comes in several mouth-watering flavors including Pom Mango, Peach Passion, and Coconut Lime.

Not only do Mixhers’ products focus on period care but many other common health issues. Herhydration, for example, contains electrolytes and potassium to provide you with the best hydration you have ever tasted, and Hergreens nourishes you with all of the vitamins we naturally get from vegetables. Other products include Hernighly, Herpower, Herlove, Hermulti, and Herdefense. The one thing that all of these formulations have in common is their delicious and addicting taste. Drinking nutrients that taste good? Yes, please!

Jess’s team is known as the girls in pink, a fun and high-energy group that brings women empowerment everywhere they go. Without Jess or Mixhers, we would not be able to get all the nutrients we need in this fun and unique way. Mixhers continues to serve women everywhere and we are so thankful. To keep up with Jess’s journey, follow her at @jesstoolson on Instagram



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